Finished: 10 AM Sat 09 Jul 22 UTC
Whoop There it is
1 day, 1 hours /phase
Pot: 150 D - Spring, 2010, Finished
Fall of the American Empire IV, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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Chat archive


20 May 22 UTC Spring, 1999: GL all!
20 May 22 UTC Spring, 1999: ill need it as heartland
20 May 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Gl
20 May 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Just use the Midwest Nice approach and make lots of friends.
20 May 22 UTC Spring, 1999: Can confirm, am midwesterner
20 May 22 UTC Spring, 1999: hahah
27 May 22 UTC Spring, 2001: Welp
27 May 22 UTC Spring, 2001: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
27 May 22 UTC Spring, 2001: I hope the missed turn was just a busy life, but there's a bad trend lately of people abandoning games when they start losing. If that's what's happening here, please don't do that - it's beyond petty.
28 May 22 UTC Spring, 2001: Who would you say is losing?
28 May 22 UTC Spring, 2001: I'd say it's too early to tell, personally, but I can see someone in California's position feeling quite threatened and hopeless with both Mexico and BC fighting with them.
28 May 22 UTC Autumn, 2001: It wasn’t me.
29 May 22 UTC Autumn, 2001: Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was.
29 May 22 UTC Autumn, 2001: Man, I wish I was Florida right now. Cuba has left so many SCs completely unguarded.
30 May 22 UTC Autumn, 2001: No-one wants to inherit my you problem
30 May 22 UTC Autumn, 2001: I didn't even make any advances your way. You created your "me" problem ;)
30 May 22 UTC Autumn, 2001: lol...
02 Jun 22 UTC Autumn, 2002: All quiet on the western front...
03 Jun 22 UTC Autumn, 2002: It was good knowing you Cali.
03 Jun 22 UTC Autumn, 2002: Also, goodbye to you Quebec. I will miss your Poutine.