“Artillery is the King of battle: the King cannot swim, however, which is why we need you guys.” (USMC arty specialist to a group of Navy officers in an Amphib Warfare Indoc course.)

Paused (23 hours, 45 minutes left on unpause)
Private Postmodern Diplomacy-2
1 day /phase
Pot: 50 D - Autumn, 1996, Diplomacy
Modern Diplomacy II, Sum-of-Squares Scoring
1 excused missed turn

Start Backward Open large map Forward End

Completed Russia
historiana (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1378 days, 6 hours (24 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 12D
11 supply-centers, 11 units
Ready France
QuestionEverything101 (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1379 days, 5 hours (23 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 10D
10 supply-centers, 10 units
Completed Britain
txwatson (117D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1380 days, 5 hours (22 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 8D
9 supply-centers, 9 units
Ready Turkey
honeynutt.cheerios (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1378 days (24 Feb 21 UTC)
Votes: Unpause
Bet: 5D, worth: 8D
9 supply-centers, 9 units
Ready Poland
BreadTok (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1311 days, 4 hours (02 May 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 7D
8 supply-centers, 8 units
Not received Egypt
thatprettyleftist (95D) - Delays left: 0 of 1 - Delayed last turn
Last seen: 1380 days, 23 hours (21 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 4D
6 supply-centers, 6 units
Completed Italy
macaronsnotmacaroons (95D) - Delays left: 1 of 1
Last seen: 1380 days, 23 hours (21 Feb 21 UTC)
Bet: 5D, worth: 2D
4 supply-centers, 3 units
Rousshoe (0DX)
Left. Bet: 5D, worth: 3D
5 supply-centers, 5 units
Left. Bet: 5D, worth: 1D
1 supply-centers, 0 units
Left. Bet: 5D, worth: 1D
1 supply-centers, 0 units
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages