“Artillery is the King of battle: the King cannot swim, however, which is why we need you guys.” (USMC arty specialist to a group of Navy officers in an Amphib Warfare Indoc course.)

Finished: 07 PM Fri 23 Oct 20 UTC
I'm in isolation, please come join!
5 minutes /phase
Pot: 25 D - Autumn, 7, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
0 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1: Hey guys, good luck, I hope we will have a great game!
23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1: Good luck all! To the unfortunate soul in isolation: I hope we may alleviate some of your boredom.
23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 1: Good luck should be fun
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 1: No aggression in the first year. I wonder how that will change moving forward?
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: Well that's not what I had hoped for lmao
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: Is it the color? Do y'all think I'm akin to a Russia in the standard map or something?
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: Well all I really hoped for was to kill an hour, so I'm fine :)
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: *kill an hour and Persia
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: Yessir
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: I don´t know why but Persia often gets under attack from all sides, that´s why I hate playing it.
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: This map is a lottery
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: By Greece and Egypt, sure, I can see it. But ROME?!? Now that's a wild play.
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: This map and chaos have a fair chunk of luck in them
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: Whatever keeps the peace I guess?
23 Oct 20 UTC Autumn, 2: It's really interesting because both Greece and Egypt have diverted all forced my way, leaving most of their centers open. Rome, Carthage: free pickings if you want them. Otherwise, let them grow and them come for you next.
23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 6: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 6: I think we lost Persia
23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 6: Fair enough
23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 6: Persia is absent, so we can draw already.
23 Oct 20 UTC Spring, 6: My bad. I thought i hit ready