Finished: 11 PM Sat 03 Jul 10 UTC
Serra Negra
4 days /phase
Pot: 379 D - Autumn, 8, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Public messaging only, Anonymous players, Survivors-Win Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by Malleus (2719D)

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22 May 10 UTC Spring, 1: Hello everybody. It's awfully quiet in here. Rome, how do you feel about a DMZ in the Ionian and splitting Dal/Vind for the first year?

Both Persia and Egypt finalized without talking to anyone. Interesting...
22 May 10 UTC Spring, 1: Hello everybody. It's awfully quiet in here. Rome, how do you feel about a DMZ in the Ionian and splitting Dal/Vind for the first year?

Both Persia and Egypt finalized without talking to anyone. Interesting...
22 May 10 UTC Spring, 1: Good point pal. This is Egypt. I've never done a public-only game. Carthage, Greece, and Persia, what are your designs on (C) Leptis, (G) Crete, (P) Cyprus, and (P) Jerusalem?
23 May 10 UTC Spring, 1: Assuming Rome wants to honor the Ionian DMZ, I'll be moving Sparta to the Aegean. Crete may be an option for me in the fall. What about you Egypt, will you be going for it as well?
23 May 10 UTC Spring, 1: Nah I'm going for Cyrene and Leptis.
25 May 10 UTC Spring, 1: since marmarica, Phazania, Bayuda and Sahara been DMZ no problem
25 May 10 UTC Spring, 1: Carthage you gonna want Leptis at all? I'd like to have it
26 May 10 UTC Autumn, 1: Well it looks like Persia's intentions are clear even if he's silent. Egypt, you'll have a wide open avenue into Persia's backyard. Will you work with me to keep him in check?
26 May 10 UTC Autumn, 1: Sure thing Greece.
27 May 10 UTC Autumn, 1: I would like to take Leptis, but I am open to any idea
27 May 10 UTC Autumn, 1: If Rome fall in CD, we don't need to fighjt for this poor Leptis
30 May 10 UTC Autumn, 1: hows it going
30 May 10 UTC Autumn, 1: Hey, welcome finally.
30 May 10 UTC Autumn, 1: you all needed rome so i came
02 Jun 10 UTC Spring, 2: It's very lonely in here.
02 Jun 10 UTC Spring, 2: i agree
07 Jun 10 UTC Autumn, 2: And then there was a new Persian. Haven't played Ancient Med before so this could be a laugh.
07 Jun 10 UTC Autumn, 2: Seems that I haven't made many friends yet. This is a shame. I'm perfectly happy to form a large Eastern Bloc with my comrades in Greece and Egypt.
07 Jun 10 UTC Autumn, 2: Welcome. It's my first game of Ancient Med as well, though with all the NMRs, it's been far from normal.
11 Jun 10 UTC Autumn, 2: Hey guys, I just took over Egypt. Anyone care to put me up to date on alliances etc. I am glad to join anyone who offers
