Finished: 04 PM Sat 13 Oct 18 UTC
The Medium Bone
1 day /phase
Pot: 25 D - Autumn, 5, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by BillyJoeBob (319D)

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02 Oct 18 UTC Spring, 1: Good luck everyone! This is the first time I've ever played this variant so be gentle. :-)
02 Oct 18 UTC Spring, 1: Good luck everyone! This is the first time I've ever played this variant so be gentle. :-)
04 Oct 18 UTC Spring, 3: This is sure a quiet bunch when it comes to public messages. :-)
04 Oct 18 UTC Spring, 3: the real game is played in private
06 Oct 18 UTC Spring, 3: Yawn! Why do we have to wait so long for Greece to do the only thing possible - which is eliminate A Che?
09 Oct 18 UTC Autumn, 4: carthage is a backstabber, be warned all
09 Oct 18 UTC Spring, 5: Sorry, Egypt. This is Diplomacy and stabbing is a big part of the game. If you're not stabbing at some point you're not trying to win but only trying to draw. It's not personal.
11 Oct 18 UTC GG everyone. It's too bad that Rome didn't really come to play.
12 Oct 18 UTC Yeah, that kinda killed the game before it got good.