"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." — Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now (1979)

Finished: 05 PM Tue 01 Aug 17 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 50 D - Autumn, 5, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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Chat archive


26 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 2: Just saying Jesse and Tommy know how to team stop fighting and attack them both cos they're gonna sweep right and. Get all of us
27 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 2: S A L T Y
27 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 2: I seem to always be blue
27 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 2: I feel bad for fin tbh
27 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 2: I feel bad for me too
27 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 2: There isn't really too much u can do as well
27 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 3: P E P P E R Y
27 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 3: Goodbye world
27 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 3: GUYS JOIN NEW GAME CALLED: WC #?

7 slots available so join fast. Don't join if u won't do movez
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 3: I joined
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 4: George and Tommy, you guys gotta take Sparta, I'm taking Athens.
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 4: :(
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 4: Wow George didn't move in
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 4: lemm survive in sparta guys :)
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 4: We have to wait 2 turns now
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 4: Jesse fix those bloody borders smh
28 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 4: Rip me :(
29 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 5: lol jesse
29 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 5: Are we doing a draw now?
29 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 5: once thomas dies