"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." — Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now (1979)

Finished: 09 PM Thu 27 Apr 17 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 100 D - Autumn, 2025, Finished
Fall of the American Empire IV, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

< Return

Chat archive


29 Jan 17 UTC Autumn, 1999: It seems that three players missed their turns' - Would everyone be willing to draw and share the pot if they get kicked?
30 Jan 17 UTC Autumn, 1999: I know zdog personally, his phone got stolen so he won't be able to play
30 Jan 17 UTC Autumn, 1999: Well, I'm here!
31 Jan 17 UTC Autumn, 1999: sup
31 Jan 17 UTC Spring, 2000: Well looks like I'm headed for an early exit
02 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2000: I don't understand why heartland supported two unconestable moves
02 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2000: Because I thought BC is going to fight me :(
02 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2000: Regardless, someone couldn't contest those moves
02 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2000: I don't care the "someone"
02 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2000: Um I don't get what that means but ok
03 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2000: Welcome new Peru and new Quebec
05 Feb 17 UTC Spring, 2001: As California has a series of failed moves, British Columbia convoys an army to an island, Florida and Texas compete for Louisiana, and Peru's lack of communication caused an unnecessary bounce with Cuba
13 Feb 17 UTC Spring, 2003: I just took over from the old Peru. I don't know anything up till now, and hope you will consider me a new dictator in need of new commitments. Many thanks.
20 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2004: Nice going mexico. I TOLD you not to trust this Peruvian
23 Feb 17 UTC Spring, 2005: Congratulation to New York's solo win.
23 Feb 17 UTC Spring, 2005: Very likely.
23 Feb 17 UTC Spring, 2005: Well not likely if we all team up on him
23 Feb 17 UTC Spring, 2005: Oh really, team up on him? Or team up on me?
NO ONE IS GONNA HELP when I was being conquered by him, you guys just fighting each other and reject to communicate.
Now my revenge can only be letting NY take my everything.
Get prepared, I will fight others except NY.
Dakotas to Minn will be failed, as Manitoba bounce you off.
Kansas will be defended by Missouri.
23 Feb 17 UTC Spring, 2005: If you solo that is great. This game is about winning and losing. I may not be long for the world.
28 Feb 17 UTC Autumn, 2006: BTW thanks for the summary Cuba.
