The full press and FvA bots will be offline on the 10th and 11th. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Finished: 09 AM Mon 21 Nov 16 UTC
16 hours /phase
Pot: 272 D - Autumn, 2015, Finished
World Diplomacy IX, No messaging, Anonymous players, Sum-of-Squares Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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20 Nov 16 UTC [India]:gg
20 Nov 16 UTC [Europe]:GG -how I don't like Europe in this map :-)
20 Nov 16 UTC [Kenya]:Yes gg. Bera - I thought you might win it all

The Lord Duke - geez that was a rough battle in africa - tough trying to determine what to do!
20 Nov 16 UTC [Argentina]:with that many missed turns wouldn't be fair for me to win this one :/
gg :)
20 Nov 16 UTC [Ghana]:I was getting concerned that I had entered a 16 hour phase game, which I struggle to meet, hence the disastrous missed turns.
I am sure that Bera could have won if he had not settled for the draw, but I appreciate that with guak & I not being consistent enough to offer a reliable challenge for you. I fully understand why you settled on a draw. My thanks to you for doing so.
21 Nov 16 UTC [India]:I agree, 16h was grueling with so many orders