"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." — Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now (1979)

Finished: 09 AM Tue 21 Jun 16 UTC
Don't Vote Trump
1 day /phase
Pot: 100 D - Autumn, 2010, Finished
Fall of the American Empire IV, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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10 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Moderator: (bo_sox48): This game has been paused as part of an ongoing cheating investigation. Please do not vote to draw, cancel, or unpause or points may be docked from your account. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
10 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Don't cheat guys. That's lame
11 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: It super is...and now we have to wait. So it goes!
I'm not really sure who's on track to win this game right now either...what do you guys think?
11 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: I feel the game is tainted - I'd propose we start a fresh one but how could we exclude those who were cheating
11 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: The moderators will decide
11 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: How do you feel it's tainted? It seems fairly split at this point
11 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Yeah, leave it to the mods. If they cancelled every game that had a multi account cheater I. It or whatever, then half of the games I've been in would have been cancelled
11 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Yeah, maybe the investigation doesn't find anything.
12 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: This is getting dumb.
12 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: I emailed the mods, they said it shouldn't be too much longer.
12 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Thank god
12 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Its been a day and a half, chill yall :P
12 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Agreed, patience. If they didn't mod, then every game would be pretty terrible...I imagine its pretty thankless work, but it makes the site and games better.
So, thanks!
14 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Moderator: (bo_sox48): This game has been cleared of cheating and will be allowed to continue on as normal. However, for precautionary reasons, I am going to remove two players from the game and allow their spots to be filled. I expect that it won't take too long. Once the spots are covered, I'll unpause the game and reset the phase to the full 24 hours. Thanks for your patience thus far and I apologize that it's taken this long.
14 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Thank you.
14 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Moderator: (bo_sox48): Unpaused and phase reset, thank you to those that took the CD positions. Enjoy your game.
14 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Thank you mods!
15 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Thanks!
15 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: So, Cuba and Heartland, are you the two new people?
15 May 16 UTC Autumn, 2001: Mexico is new