Finished: 07 PM Thu 25 Feb 16 UTC
Private CCCTM
10 minutes /phase
Pot: 50 D - Spring, 4, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Anonymous players, Unranked
1 excused missed turn
Game won by AsianSensation509 (100D)

Start Backward Open large map Forward End

Won. Bet: 10D, won: 10D
6 supply-centers, 6 units
almacorar (100D)
Resigned. Bet: 10D
8 supply-centers, 7 units
Resigned. Bet: 10D
7 supply-centers, 7 units
Resigned. Bet: 10D
6 supply-centers, 5 units
mayamay (100D)
Resigned. Bet: 10D
3 supply-centers, 3 units
Civil Disorders
mayamay (100D)Carthage (Autumn, 2) with 3 centres.
whapclassgilihan7 (100D)Rome (Autumn, 3) with 6 centres.
almacorar (100D)Greece (Spring, 4) with 8 centres.
courtkins0426 (100D)Egypt (Autumn, 3) with 7 centres.
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages