Finished: 11 PM Wed 09 Dec 15 UTC
Live Meditteranean.
5 minutes /phase
Pot: 25 D - Autumn, 8, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Anonymous players, Survivors-Win Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by Argento77 (100D)

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09 Dec 15 UTC Autumn, 1: Greece defaulted on their loans and they can't pay for gas
09 Dec 15 UTC Autumn, 1: bruh
09 Dec 15 UTC Autumn, 1: ran out of child support money
09 Dec 15 UTC Autumn, 2: carthage ready up please
09 Dec 15 UTC gg guys, I feel like it would have been different had Greece been in, I feel like I was the main profiteer there