"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." — Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now (1979)
21 May 14 UTC | Spring, 1999: FUCK! I'M CUBA AGAIN!!! (_ _) |
03 Jun 14 UTC | Autumn, 2003: GameMaster: ThatBuhlLarry was banned: multi/meta/no reply. The time until the next phase has been extended by one phase length to give an opportunity to replace the player. Remember to finalize your orders if you don't want to wait, so the game isn't held up unnecessarily! |
12 Jun 14 UTC | Autumn, 2006: there's pretty much three people in the game now lol |
12 Jun 14 UTC | Autumn, 2006: Yeah an i plan to take som stuff back lol |
16 Jun 14 UTC | Spring, 2008: Mexico taking back what the americans stole during the louisiana purchase |
16 Jun 14 UTC | Autumn, 2008: Truuu |
16 Jun 14 UTC | Autumn, 2008: I never knew Bill was Mexican |
16 Jun 14 UTC | Autumn, 2008: I never knew that* Bill is* Mexican.* |
17 Jun 14 UTC | Autumn, 2009: Ya hes only disguised as asian |
18 Jun 14 UTC | next turn I win...finally -_- |