Finished: 08 AM Mon 10 Mar 14 UTC
Return of the Archons
12 hours /phase
Pot: 63 D - Autumn, 8, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, No messaging, Survivors-Win Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by Bobshkibob (100D)

Start Backward Open large map Forward End

Bobshkibob (100D)
Won. Bet: 10D, won: 34D
18 supply-centers, 15 units
helms (120D(B))
Survived. Bet: 10D, won: 28D
15 supply-centers, 14 units
highbrow (162D)
Survived. Bet: 10D, won: 2D
1 supply-centers, 2 units
Temujin (100D)
Defeated. Bet: 10D
99joyce (0DX)
Defeated. Bet: 13D
Civil Disorders
Shire234 (0DX)Greece (Spring, 3) with 7 centres.
Temujin (100D)Egypt (Spring, 5) with 5 centres.
99joyce (0DX)Greece (Autumn, 7) with 1 centres.
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages