Finished: 06 PM Sat 27 Apr 13 UTC
the world is not enough-9
2 days /phase
Pot: 198 D - Autumn, 2001, Finished
World Diplomacy IX, Survivors-Win Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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Chat archive


17 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 2000: [Brazil]:hello world! I just took the open spot left by Brazil's last player.
18 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 2000: [Pacific-Russia]:welcome matey :)
18 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 2000: [Libya]:warning: the near east is a liar
18 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 2000: [Pacific-Russia]:Outrageous Someone lied in a game of diplomacy. Guards Bring out the thumbscrews!
18 Apr 13 UTC Autumn, 2000: [Frozen-Antarctica]:OH GOD THE HORROR
19 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 2001: GameMaster: the world is mine was banned: multi. The time until the next phase has been extended by one phase length to give an opportunity to replace the player.
Remember to finalize your orders if you don't want to wait, so the game isn't held up unnecessarily!
19 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 2001: GameMaster: SHERIFFAWZY was banned: multi/meta. The time until the next phase has been extended by one phase length to give an opportunity to replace the player.
Remember to finalize your orders if you don't want to wait, so the game isn't held up unnecessarily!
19 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 2001: [Pacific-Russia]:what the hell how many multi's are in this game?
19 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 2001: [Brazil]:EVERYONE IS A LIAR//EVERYONE IS A MULTI
20 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 2001: [Ghana]:I think they were the same person, multing.
20 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 2001: [Europe]:Thats not fair :-(
22 Apr 13 UTC Spring, 2001: [South-Africa]:HI all... new government in S.Africa... not taking too kindly to the Kenyan majority now seemingly in control. Elections will be monitored by the adjacent fleets.
25 Apr 13 UTC GameMaster: idontknow was banned: multi. The time until the next phase has been extended by one phase length to give an opportunity to replace the player.
Remember to finalize your orders if you don't want to wait, so the game isn't held up unnecessarily!
25 Apr 13 UTC GameMaster: wazzupbro was banned: multi.
25 Apr 13 UTC GameMaster: supdude was banned: multi.
25 Apr 13 UTC GameMaster: imbored was banned: multi.
25 Apr 13 UTC GameMaster: yoyoyo was banned: multi.
25 Apr 13 UTC (jmo1121109): Dear members,

Due to the cheating this game will be cancelled tomorrow. Please do not vote to unpause or cancel in the meantime, though you are welcome to draw the game if you wish. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

-WebDip Admin
25 Apr 13 UTC [USA]:Damned cheaters! I was about to win :-)
I vote for the draw. At least the points will be split between honest players.
25 Apr 13 UTC [Ghana]:I am in, though Ghana was the one that was gonna conquer the world.