A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Page 1301 of 1419
MrcsAurelius (3051 D(B))
02 Feb 16 UTC
Hope someone knows!
Recent changes question.
1 reply
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
02 Feb 16 UTC
Quality Live Game
I was considering starting a RP (Rulebook Press?) around 4pm EST (New York City Time). I was thinking 10 minute phases (assuming that the auto ready on retreat and builds will save us a ton of time) I would prefer if you have at least 10 games to your name and the bet will be 50 D. add your name in list format below. I will send out the Passwords at 3pm EST
3 replies
lauridsena (910 D)
02 Feb 16 UTC
Checking adjacent territories
Is there any way to check ahead of time, in any manner, if two territories are adjacent? There are some territories that seem adjacent, but I don't know if fleets can travel between them. I just don't know how to see if they are or not and don't want to take the chance they aren't and try to move somewhere only to find out the next move is impossible
4 replies
steephie22 (182 D(S))
13 Dec 15 UTC
Playtesting my boardgame online
Hello everyone,
version 1 of my boardgame is finished. It was brought to my attention that it's probably a good idea to test it online. Two things needed there: 1. players and
2. some sort of adjudicator to use, with which I can easily add and move around 6 unit types, factories, territory markers and 4 kinds of resources, while also keeping track of various variables (although that can be done fairly easily outside of the adjudicator).
Can you help with either of those?
61 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
01 Feb 16 UTC
New site feature: Voice chat press
Its simple you get a 7 player game public voice chat and webcam channel. So its like the closest thing to ftf Diplomacy since sliced bread. Can you imagine the look on Valis face when I build a fleet in Mar and hes in Italian Leponto. Come on webcam and voice chat would be hilarious.
20 replies
Fluminator (1500 D)
29 Jan 16 UTC
Epic Mafia makes the news.
Hey, our live Mafia website has made the UK news:
23 replies
Valis2501 (2850 D(G))
31 Jan 16 UTC
SoS gunoats
I went from 60 games to 3 games waiting for this fucking ODC Finals to start and I need something to play but can't commit to press games.

Here's 14 SoS gunboats. Join if able and willing please. Thanks.
13 replies
A_Tin_Can (2234 D)
29 Jan 16 UTC
Reliability Rating (RR) discussion
Since this has come up in the other thread-
82 replies
domwnec (254 D)
31 Jan 16 UTC
How to create an app?
At work we're thinking of creating an app. No one knows how to do it internally. Has anyone gone through this before? Any valuable lessons learned? Pros and cons? Cost of development and upkeep? Thank you.
6 replies
brainbomb (295 D)
01 Feb 16 UTC
And the Groundhog.....
Wait for it...Fuck winter
1 reply
Lando Calrissian (100 D(S))
31 Jan 16 UTC
long phase gb
Id like to play a game but cant get Online consistenly. If you're willing please consider
3 replies
zultar (4180 DMod(P))
29 Jan 16 UTC
Site Update: Skill Ratings and integration
Important. Please read.
134 replies
steephie22 (182 D(S))
28 Jan 16 UTC
Design Competition
See if you want to help with the design of my start-up company. You may make some money. I'm not going to a design company for a reason though :-)

Meanwhile, I want to start a discussion: I have a debating competition coming up next week and one of the statements will be: 'High school students lack ambition'. If I'm against this statement, I thought it would be a good idea to bring up the company. I'm not sure whether that's socially acceptable though?
52 replies
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
29 Jan 16 UTC
January is almost at an end. Can we anticipate an early publication of the report into the Moderators' grand experiment, and their verdict on the success (or otherwise) of their trial?
30 replies
KingCyrus (511 D)
22 Jan 16 UTC
Roe v. Wade
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orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jan 16 UTC
@fullhamish, i believe that entropy guarentees that once our sun stops providing for us, all life on earth, all complex structures, will collapse.

We are not in a boltzman distribution, if that is the natural course of thing, then yes, we are doomed to return to one. (Discounting colonisizing other worlds, and building a more complex interstellar trade system) 'free will' i would argue doesn't exist. Or it is an illusion created by the brain to make us take responcibility for responces to environmental stimuli - an illusion which gives us an evolutionary advantage, allows us plan for the futur by modelling the present.

And yes, this allows us understand and build abstract relationships (like with money, we have an abstract notion of the value of money, and this we can use it as a tool). Which allows the developement of complex structures.

I haven't watched your youtube link yet, but i've seen lots of interesting stuff on entropy and the arrow of time. Why did the Universe start in a low entropy state? And time will in effect cease to have a directionality after the heat death of the Universe. But i don't see how these things are relevant to this conversation.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jan 16 UTC
I mean, we are talking about human thigs, like good and evil, value judgements.

Ok, maybe the fact that the Universe began in a low entropy state can be used as evidence for God; or maybe the human concept of 'began' can only exist where time has directionality, thus must exist in the middle of a low->high entropy process. (All closed systems go from low to high entropy as time goes forward; but time going forwards has no meaning without therebeing a low entropy state to change from)
y2kjbk (4846 D(G))
27 Jan 16 UTC
I find it silly but understandable that people have to link God heavily to the story of creation. People who seek God are seeking a purpose in life, and purpose demands a palatable explanation for how we got here and why we exist in the first place. Purpose doesn't require knowledge of the past, it just requires desire for the future.
fulhamish (4134 D)
27 Jan 16 UTC
A good take on the arrow of time (time and the second lawn must moce forwards) and entropy, I fully agree. Someone else raised entropy not me. I think that it might be our friend isher, I thought it interesting to comment, particularly in the context of free will.
Perhaps free will is relevant in discussing those 'human things'.
fulhamish (4134 D)
27 Jan 16 UTC
Well yes y2, I guess it all comes down to cause and effect. As you know these are well-rehearsed arguments which I think are pretty equally matched. Well actually I think God just shades it, but I am sure that you disagree. Let's not go there, please.
y2kjbk (4846 D(G))
27 Jan 16 UTC
@orathaic, money is inherently evil, it is the definition of a necessary evil. Money makes organizing civilization and regulating the transfer of goods and services so much easier. But money is evil. The more you have, the more you crave. It's not required to live, but it is. The concept of money, while in the realm of business can spur great development, on an individual level it shackles people to the system. You start getting successful, you take on bigger investments and start owning more stuff and you get consumed. Not everyone does, but many people do. Why do most lottery winners end up with their lives destroyed?
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jan 16 UTC
I do not agree that money is inherenty evil.

Why do lottery winners end up unhappy? Because they have dreams which remain unfullfilled. Further they do not have a stable source of income, the lottery is a once off, so if they spend all their money they can't replace it, but it they don't spend it then what is the point?

It turns out that spending money on others (be it charity or otherwise) actualy makes us happier than spending it on ourselves.

But while money can't buy happiness, lack of money does result in unhappiness. Those who are struggling to get by (who may be more excited hy the idea of winning the lottery, and escaping that struggle - infact you can argue that they are paying for the excitement of a chance to win) they are shown to he more happy when they reach a certain level (what i refer to as basic needs) but more income beyond that does not equal more happiness.

There is clear research to this effect.

I would argue that money is a tool, and any tool can be used for evil. But the psychology behind how humans use/desire money is an issue. However that desire exists on its own. You can collect gold and diamonds to show off your status, and how much more powerful than our neighbours you are. This kind of greed and status grabbing is part of human nature, with or without money.

Perhaps money amplifies it, allows us to measure with a simple number how wealthy a person is, and yhis kind of simple thinking blinds a person to the value of friendship/social connection/family. It also blonds a nation-state to the value of anything not measurable in GDP terms ( community, volunteering, culture )

But money facilitates trade. Trade allows some people have jobs which are no directly invoved in agriculture (subsistace farming) and even farmers are better off with insurance to protect against 'acts of god' - drought or flooding, which can destroy agriculture.

Money allows all the work which created scientific development, (because people can work for money, and money can be used to buy food) which resulted in an end to millions of child deaths each year. (Just from medicine and good nutrition alone)

Reducing money to just 'people are greedy' ignores the essential features of money while also ignoring the ability of humans to be greedy without money.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
27 Jan 16 UTC
(And don't get me wrong, the ability of money to represent trust can also remove tue need for communities, urbanisation and the end to rural living has had massively negative effects on human standard of living, and money has facilitated that, you can buy things from a person in a city without knowing or trusting them. And this reduces transactions to an impersonal level; i am believe there are positives and negatives in everything, and if you can't see them you are not looking hard enough)
ishirkmywork (1401 D)
27 Jan 16 UTC
@ fulhamish
I did mention entropy a while ago, in referencing the driving force behind both progress and destruction. The entropic principle (things running out of energy) is the driving force behind the universe, after all. Without death and decay, there would be no life, no change, only stasis meaning nothing.

the very physics that drive out bodies towards death are the same forces that allow us to progress, change and grow. Everything is eventually broken down into its elements, and scattered again to be reborn, on this planet for now, but eventually on different planets and suns. Who knows how many times the material of our bodies has been reconstituted in the past, in some alien rock, or plant, or being? Without the grinding down of life from entropy, nothing would have been created. And so death then, perhaps the most powerful and awesome force in the universe -- the taker, and the giver.

This is why I reject the notion of "eternal life" as many religions would describe it. There is no way the present can continue forever. There is only process and change. In every moment, everything is perfect and complete, but at the same time changing, evolving, and becoming something new. Eternity is now. Eternity is process.
ishirkmywork (1401 D)
27 Jan 16 UTC
and it is hilarious that i just posted that under a thread entitled "Roe v Wade."
MajorMitchell (1600 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
Wow I can +1 which is the new way of agreeing with the previous comment.
In this thread...
I offer the opinion that money is amoral, it has no morality. Moral consequences come from the way money is used, and that's the responsibility of the users.
Certainly the wealthy have been able to use their power to ensure that when they need an abortion they can ensure the best medical treatment, and in nation states where abortion services are limited, restricted, it allows the wealthy to avoid the "backyard" illegal services that are high risk.
Is using wealth to circumvent harsh restrictions on abortion a good or bad thing ?
orathaic (1009 D(B))
28 Jan 16 UTC
(Speaking of using wealth to avoid restrictions, on the island of Ireland - both the republic and northern ireland, there is a complete abortion ban, and money lets you travel to britian to obtain an abortion - unless you are are in care of the health service, or a refugee waiting on their application, or for other reasons reatricted from leaving the country(
fulhamish (4134 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
At ishy and ora you have both given very good first year undergrad descriptions of entropy and the second law. However, in my view you miss the point that we are talking about a probalistic law/description here (hence my reference to Boltzman). It is in these terms that I refer to free will.
fulhamish (4134 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
@ Major for your information.

The 'a' in atheist translates as 'without' so literally without belief in the existence of God..

The 'anti' in anti-theist translates as ‘against’ so literally against belief in the existence of God.

Two very different positions. I hope that is clear.

MajorMitchell (1600 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
OK, ishy, ora & myself might spend a few minutes in the Naughty corner with our dunce caps on :-)
ishirkmywork (1401 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
lol -- what a child i must be. i bow to your infinite wisdom, fulhamish.
fulhamish (4134 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
Sorry guys - Sarcasm is lost in print. Nice to talk to you.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
29 Jan 16 UTC
@fullhamish: I still don't why you're talking about boltzman.

You said "fulhamish (3255 D)
Wed 12 PM
Entropy isn't a bad analogy, not there of course, but better than most. Provided one ditches that horrible 'disorder' rubbish and goes with a developing probability distribution. A creation at the start and then nothing (Deism at best)? Or an ongoing process of continual creation? And, by extension, the ongoing gift of free will?"

What is the initial creation? Or on going process, how does entropy help us understand this. So we are in states of a 'developing' (i want to use the word evolving, which has a different meaning in physics) probsbility distribution.

So we are far away from the stable state (maximum entropy) where the distribution stops developing? What has free will got to do with it? Can you use third year undergrad thermodynamics to explain how it relates to what states are accessible to the system? What system are we talking about exactly? The individual? Society? The Earth or the Earth-Sun system?

You went on to say: "Given that probability/possibilities increase in spontaneous reactions as a function of the second law that means that the natural course of events is a heightening of possibilities. Hence, my remark about free will and, by extension, a continual rather than time-specific, creation."

This seems misleading. More states open up as 'time goes forward' is sligthly backwards. The arrow of time is defined by the lack of accessible states in the past as distinguished from the large numbers of accessible states in the future. All closed system tend towards opening up more states because statistically that is tue most likely direction a system (with random motion t) will evolve.

Once you reach the maximal number of microstates within a given macrostate (maximum number of accessible states available) everything ends. Physics no longer has a tendancy to distinguish future from past. Hea death occurs. But with infinite time all previous state should eventually be explored.

Still from any lower entropy state the tendancy will be to head back to the maximal entropy state. Statistics requires this out of necessity.

I don't see how free will has any relevance to this.
MajorMitchell (1600 D)
31 Jan 16 UTC
Oh Fulhamish, you did make a valid point, I think I'm not a theist or anti theist, but I might be regarded as possibly atheist. Anyway there's a lot of stuff other than abortion happening here, I just joined up at V Dip and God plays Diplomacy there, I saw it, God is a registered player. Did Mujus know this ?
ishirkmywork (1401 D)
31 Jan 16 UTC
MajorMitchell (1600 D)
31 Jan 16 UTC
Naturally they've made God an Almighty Mod over there

141 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
29 Jan 16 UTC
I will Survive
Interested in knowing why we can't ditch Survive stats, but don't want to clutter the other thread...
86 replies
CommanderByron (801 D(S))
30 Jan 16 UTC
It seems ATC and others are stressed about all the changes going on. I need a volunteer to show up at his house and give him a massage any takers?
9 replies
Valis2501 (2850 D(G))
07 Oct 15 UTC
School of War; Fall 2015
This thread is for the Fall 2015 class of the School of War. Please be courteous to those running the game and respect any reasonable requests they may make. This semester will be taught by Professors The Hanged Man and Hellenic Riot. gameID=168281
406 replies
brofistme (100 D)
30 Jan 16 UTC
9 replies
brofistme (100 D)
30 Jan 16 UTC
2 replies
Jamiet99uk (1307 D)
29 Jan 16 UTC
Screen shots
Is it against the rules to send screen shots to a player, in an attempt to prove that something has been said to you in private press?
31 replies
TrPrado (461 D)
03 Jan 16 UTC
Mafia XVI Game Thread
See inside for buckets of fun.
4426 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
28 Jan 16 UTC
Grand Prix and Boroughs 2016
Two tournaments you guys should definitely try to make it to!
Grand Prix at TotalCon
The Boroughs 2016:
7 replies
Riotleader007 (100 D)
29 Jan 16 UTC
Hey I am new to the website but have played the board game so I am not a complete newbie haha I want to play some on here and figured someone can set up a fun starter game and we all have a little fun! :) Game on!
4 replies
ishirkmywork (1401 D)
26 Jan 16 UTC
Russian Opening to Silesia Spring '01
This opening has become a little personal favorite of mine, (if I am Russia, France or Italy) and am wondering if anyone has thoughts, experience, or tactics to share about it. Convincing Russia to do it if you are France or Italy can be difficult -- but well worth it for all involved. You need an imaginative Russian though.
33 replies
00matthew2000 (454 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
New Vdiplomacy game if anyone is interested.
1 reply
charlesf (100 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
1648 Variant: Join the Tournament!
I shall be running a tournament featuring my 1648 (v5.8) variant.
1 reply
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
26 Jan 16 UTC
Supreme Court Cases Thread
Utilize this thread by posting your Supreme Court Cases here and only here.
23 replies
Tolstoy (1962 D)
28 Jan 16 UTC
Racist or not racist?
White woman starts fire that burns several hundred thousand acres and hundreds of homes. Not charged with a criminal offense. Apache Indian starts fire that burns several hundred thousand acres and hundreds of homes. Charged, convicted, and sentenced to ten years in prison. Is this proof of the systemic racism of the American court system or not? Please cast your votes below.
17 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
03 Jan 16 UTC
Wildlife Preserve "Occupied"
Occupied by "armed Oregon militia." Not terrorists. Even though they're armed and provoking a standoff with the federal government and putting countless lives at risk.
147 replies
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